
This documentation tells you what basic fields we expect for orderhandling incl dropshipment.

URL Webservice: http://iqservice.stockbase-connect.com/services/stockbase.asmx
URL WSDL: http://iqservice.stockbase-connect.com/services/stockbase.asmx?wsdl

Basic input

Name Type Required Description MAX length
OrderHeader OrderHeader class * Header information.
OrderLines OrderLine class * 1 or more order lines.
OrderDelivery OrderDelivery class Dropshipment information.
OrderNumber String * Ordernumber from retailsystem/shop. 100
TimeStamp DateTime * Timestamp order.
Attention String Extra information relevant for order processing.
Number Integer * Line number.
EAN String * EAN. 50
Amount Integer * Amount/Quantity.
Person Person class * Customer information.
Address Address class * Delivery address / address pickup point.
Gender String Gender (M/F Or Male/Female).
Initials String Initials. 50
FirstName String First name. 100
SurnamePrefix String Surname prefix. 50
Surname String * Surname. 100
Company String Company. 100
Street String * Street name. 100
StreetNumber String * Street number. 50
StreetNumberAddition String Street number addition. 50
ZipCode String * Zip code. 50
City String * City. 100
CountryCode String * CountryCode (ISO2 or ISO3). 3



The REST protocol is not supported yet.

SOAP 1.1

To use the orderRequest service, you need the access token from the authentication service.


    Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
        <OrderRequest xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">
            <order />

SOAP 1.2

To use the orderRequest service, you need the access token from the authentication service.


    Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap12="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope">
        <OrderRequest xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">
          <order />

Library (VB.NET)

Function: Stockbase.GetStock

Test function

    Private Sub StockbaseOrderRequestTest()
        Dim client As New IQClient.Client(IQClient.Client.ClientMode.Sandbox)

        Dim loginResponse As IQModels.IQ.Models.LoginResponse = client.Login("username", "password")

        If loginResponse IsNot Nothing Then
            Dim authenticationToken As Guid = loginResponse.AuthenticationToken

            Dim authenticationResponse As IQModels.IQ.Models.AuthenticationResponse = client.Authenticate(authenticationToken)

            If authenticationResponse IsNot Nothing Then
                Dim accessToken As Guid = authenticationResponse.AccessToken
                Dim order As IQModels.Stockbase.Models.OrderRequest = CreateStockbaseOrder()
                Dim orderRequestResponse As IQModels.OrderHandlingService.Models.OrderRequestResponse = client.Stockbase.OrderRequest(accessToken, order)
            End If

        End If
    End Sub

    Private Function CreateStockbaseOrder() As IQModels.Stockbase.Models.OrderRequest
        Dim newAddress As New Models.Address("Streetname", "Streetnumber", "zipcode", "city", "CountryCode")
        Dim newPerson As New Models.Person(IQModels.OrderHandlingService.Enums.Gender.xxx, "Initials", "FirstName", "SurnamePrefix", "Surname", "Company")
        Dim newOrderDelivery As New Models.OrderDelivery(newPerson, newAddress)
        'Dim newOrderDelivery As Models.OrderDelivery = Nothing
        Dim newOrderHeader As New Models.OrderHeader("testNumber12345", DateTime.UtcNow)

        Dim newOrderLine1 As New Models.OrderLine(1, "EAN", Amount)
        Dim newOrderLine2 As New Models.OrderLine(2, "EAN", Amount)
        Dim newOrderLines As New List(Of Models.OrderLine)

        Dim order = New IQModels.Stockbase.Models.OrderRequest(newOrderHeader, newOrderLines, newOrderDelivery)

        Return order
    End Function



  • Success
  • LoginCredentialsEmpty
  • LoginCredentialsNotValid
  • TokenEmpty
  • TokenNotValid
  • TokenNotFound
  • TokenExpired
  • TokenWrongType
  • ClientInactive
  • UserInactive
  • ServiceNotFound
  • ServiceInactive
  • ServiceNotAllowed
  • ActionNotFound
  • ActionNotAllowed

Stockbase creates 1 or more orders, because the possibility exists that different articles need to be send to different systems. These order(s) will be returned with a StatusCode and a ExceptionMessage if thrown.
There are some fields updated:

  • GUID fields from the order handling service database
  • The last order handling service status in field Statuses

    @OrderRequestResponse {
        StatusCode: Success = all orders have been succesfully requested; Error = 1 or more orders have a error,
        GroupsOrderRequestResponseItems: [
                StatusCode: Success or Error,
                ExceptionMessage: Information about the error,
                OrderRequest: {
                    GUID: Updated with the GUID from order handling service> database,
                    Statuses: The last order handling service status,
                    OrderHeader: {
                        GUID: Updated with the GUID from order handling service database,
                    OrderLine: [
                            GUID: Updated with the GUID from order handling service database,
                    OrderDelivery: [
                            GUID: Updated with the GUID from order handling service database,